McNeill has started doing some new tricks this month. She loves feeding Drew and me some of her snacks. Sometimes she lets us have it and sometimes she takes it back. She has started washing her baby doll's face (and mine). Drew took her to the pediatrician the other day and he said she got out a wipe and started washing her baby's face. We thought that it must have been an accident. Well, later that night she washed her baby dolls face again with a wipe and then mine! I guess I wipe her face off too much?!?!?
She is very laid back and has this goofy grin thing going those little feet propped up on the highchair.
Not sure if you can tell what is going on in this picture or not. McNeill has started sleeping on her back more with her hands up behind her head. Well, she has a tutu on in this picture (thanks Analise!). Anyway, this picture just makes me laugh. She looks like a worn out chubby little princess.
McNeill has gotten to where she really loves books. It is so sweet seeing her turn the pages. She still loves all her toys, especially baby dolls. She will "love the baby" and just grin. Precious. Our goal this next month is getting her to like her sippy cup more. We have tried several different brands and all she really does is just play with it. She thinks it is a new teething toy. So, we'll see how that goes. Let me know if you have any tricks. This may not make sense without seeing it but she has started holding her bottle so strange. She has been doing the one handed thing for a while now but now she holds it underhanded.