Long time, no post. We have been going non stop since Drew got out of school for the summer. We have had a great summer thus far, savoring the next few weeks before he starts back to school. McNeill is a wild woman these days! She is full of personality, busy and sweet. I wanted to post some of the funny things she has done lately so I wouldn't forget. At 16 months, she…
- Runs everywhere.
- Says most things. The other day she even said "Mortimer." So funny.
- Understands everything we say. If I say "Lucy, do you want to go for a walk?" McNeill goes and gets Lucy's leash. If I say "McNeill, do you want a snack?" She goes and stands by her highchair.
- LOVES books. Favorite one this week is Brown Bear, Bear Bear, What Do You See? We read this about 40 times a day.
- Tries to sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." The only words she usually gets out are "row," and "merrily." (I don't think anyone else would know she is saying "merrily" except her momma).
- About a month ago if you asked her if she loved her daddy, she would say momma. Should have gotten it on video because she won't do it anymore.
- Obsessed with telling Lucy "NO-NO." She points her finger very aggressively and intently says "NO-NO." This is normally the first thing she says in the morning and then repeats it a few hundred times throughout the day.
- A few weeks ago she was obsessed with having her babies swaddled. She would bring you a baby and blanket for you to swaddle. Then, she would go sit in her chair and rock the baby. Her baby has a pacifier that she sucks on. The other day I said "McNeill, feed your baby." She took the pacifier out of the baby's mouth and put her sippy cup beside the baby's mouth.
These are just some of the funny things she has done lately. At her 15 month appointment (at almost 16 months), she weighed 27 lbs and was 33 inches tall. She hardly gained any weight from her 12 month appointment to her 15 month appointment but grew 3 inches. She is in the 90th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference.
Summer 2016 Part I
6 years ago