I am horrible about updating the blog and loading pictures to my computer. While we were on vacation I guess I became all rested because I had all these big plans for what I was going to do at night when I get home from work. At 15 weeks pregnant, after cooking dinner and getting McNeill in bed I am WORN OUT! I was reminded of why I don't do more at night but I'm trying to do better. My morning sickness has gotten a lot better. I am still nauseated at times and still gag some but nothing like it was. Anytime I gag, McNeill tries to make the same sound. It really is funny. I don't feel like I am as sick as I was with McNeill. I don't know if that means it is a boy or if you just have a different perception the second time around.
A lot has been going on over the past few weeks. Drew went to Guatemala for a medical mission trip, we went on a family vacation (just the three of us!), and Drew and McNeill both started school back. We had a wonderful summer with Drew out of school. I was sad to see it end but I know he will never get done if he doesn't go back. McNeill is going to the dayschool at our church 2 days a week and staying at home 2 days a week. I am excited about this combination for her.
Over the past month I have been keeping notes in my phone of funny stuff McNeill does/says. I want to put it on here so I can keep up with it…
-We are off to buy a potty this afternoon. I don't think she is ready to be completely potty trained but she talks about it ALL THE TIME. I thought I should probably have a potty sitting out just so she could get familiar with it and go if she chooses. Yesterday she came up to me and said "poo-poo." I checked her diaper and she was clean. A few minutes later I smelt something. Then today, she brought me a diaper and the box of wipes and said "poo-poo." So, we'll see how this goes.
- I sneezed a few weeks ago and she looked at me and said "Bless You."
- She loves playing Peek-A-Boo. The other day she uncovered her face and said "here she is."
- There was a wooden container at the beach where they stored the chairs/umbrellas. She was convinced it was a barn. She kept walking over to it saying "moo moo." At one point she even patted the sand and said "c'mon cows."
- She constantly pats things (the floor, her leg, etc.) and says "cm' in" or "cm' here."
- Knows all her animal sounds. My favorite is "baaah."
- At first when she saw the sea gulls on the beach she said "cluck cluck." We finally got it across to her that they were not chickens.
- Her new thing lately is nodding. She is so into it. I asked her Wednesday morning if she wanted to go to school and play with Sadie and she nodded a big YES. You can ask her if she is ready for a nap or bedtime and she does it too. For the most part anytime you ask her a question she'll either nod yes or say no.
- She is big on saying thank you. We were eating at the Great Southern Cafe at the beach (yum!) and the waitress came and refilled the thing of forks on the table. McNeill looked up at her and said "thank you."
- She says "mercy" and "oh boy." She must have gotten those from her Nana. Who she currently calls Nanny. :)
- She had her first nose bleed at the beach. She hit me so Drew had put her down off the couch and was getting on to her. As soon as she started to walk off she tripped and face planted.
- She has been trying to snap. Unsuccessfully I should add. It is funny to watch.
- The other day I forgot what she did but she looked up at me and said "good girl."
- Loves saying her name. She says it "McMeill." Mom and I were shopping a few weeks ago and people would ask her name. We would say it and then McNeill would repeat it for us.
I have pictures and videos to post but that will come in another post another day. We had a great vacation. They would have different activities in the amphitheater at Seaside- children's play, concert, family movie, etc. We were at the concert and it was the first time we've taken McNeill to something that I could tell she really enjoyed it. She had a blast! They had those light toys so of course she had to have one of those. She ran around with the big kids screaming and twirling. Her little sweaty head and red cheeks were adorable.
Summer 2016 Part I
6 years ago