Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Thursday!

I hope everyone has had a good week. Yesterday I came into McNeill's nursery to find Lucy all curled up in McNeill's boppy! Lucy has adjusted really well to McNeill (much better than we thought!). She doesn't pay her much attention. I am sure this will be a different story when McNeill is big enough to pull Lucy's hair.

This is McNeill playing in her crib. McNeill spits up a lot so she always has a bib on! She is really alert these days and doesn't look like a newborn anymore. I can't believe how big she has gotten!!

Last night, Holly Beth was sweet enough (and brave enough) to come keep McNeill so Drew and I could go to church together. It was great to be able to go to church. She also made me a cake and decorated it beautifully. Thanks Holly Beth!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. McNeill is getting so big! She still looks like her Mom! Just beautiful. I hope you have a Happy Thursday as well and a Happy Birthday tomorrow!!
