Sunday, December 18, 2011

9 months and play dates!

What a fun month this has been! McNeill is in a hilarious phase. Her little personality is starting to show and she is WILD! She is into everything, always making faces and is loud. She is sooooo much fun.

We had a play date on Friday with some of my friends from Auburn and their babies. Melanie was so sweet to cook brunch and have all of us over. I am so thankful for these girls and that we have stayed in touch since graduation. Mattie was 1 in September and Jackson will be 1 in January. I thought it would be funny to buy the babies antlers to wear during pictures. The babies didn't think it was too funny. They kept pulling them off and it really hurt Jackson's feelings that we put them on him. So funny! Missed you Stacy and Will!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sitting with Santa!

On Sunday afternoon we went to my cousin's house to see Santa. I had my work Christmas party Saturday night so McNeill had been in Arab with our parents. My parents brought her down Sunday after church. We had lunch at Flip and noticed McNeill felt a little warm. We checked her temperature once we got to my cousin's house and it was 102.7. Bless her! Needless to say she wasn't feeling very good while sitting in Santa's lap. You can tell by her eyes that she doesn't feel well. Hopefully that means Santa will be extra good to her this year!!

And finally a candy cane to make it all better!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving. We had lunch with Drew's family and dinner with mine. Her 9 month pictures and pictures with Santa are coming soon...